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Grant Application Procedures

Part 1

Grant Guide Guidelines

A.  Mission:  The Mission of the Quad Cities Bicycle Club (QCBC) to promote, encourage, and support, the safe participation in bicycle riding of all ages and abilities, as well as to anticipate and address the needs and interests of all aspects of bicycling in the Quad Cities area.

B.  The Club hosts two fund-raising events each year, RAGBRAI Charter Services in mid-July and the Heartland Century & Tour in mid-September, and with these funds we award grants to government and not for profit organizations that support our mission. 

The Club's Community Services Committee reviews as applications are submitted.  Provided that sufficient funds are available from the above events, we accept applications throughout the year.  Normally the Community Services Committee meets as a minimum quarterly.  If approved we then send Agreement Letters to all awardees, and upon return of those signed agreements we issue the award checks.

To be approved all projects must support and promote the QCBC Mission statement. Typical approved project   might include, but are not limited to:

  • Equipment
  • One-time special opportunities or events.
  • Start-ups and new products
  • Bicycle trail construction, maintenance, and management

E.  We typically fund projects that benefit the bicycling communities in Scott and Rock Island counties.

Applicants are encouraged to have alternative or additional funding sources in place prior to applying and to      include these planned sources in their application. The QCBC prefers not to fund 100% of a project’s cost.

We do not fund projects that will be used for:

  • General operating funds
  • Endowments
  • Salaries or benefits for employees
  • Individuals
  • Multiple year projects
  • Religious activities or programs
  • Participation fees
  • Sponsorships
  • Travel


H.  If you receive financial assistance from the QCBC you will be required to adhere to our grant authorization agreement which include the following terms and conditions:

     1.  Within 90 days from the completion of the project you will provide a brief narrative report in writing to the QCBC outlining how and when the project was completed, how the QCBC money was spent, who is currently benefitting and what the project looks like. Accompanying pictures (and permission for QCBC use) are requested. Upon completion of the project, you agree to provide proof of recognition that the QCBC provided funds to make the project possible in accordance with the statement to this effect that you provided in the grant application.

    2.  We expect projects we fund will be completed within a 12-month period from the time our grant check is issued. If the QCBC funds are not used within the expected 12-month period following issuance of the grant check or for the purposes outlined in the project budget request that they must be returned to the QCBC. Exceptions to this may only be granted by the QCBC in writing.

    3.  Grant award funds must be used for the specific purposes described in the application and approved in advance of the award being accepted. Any changes to these stated purposes must be approved by the Quad Cities Bicycle Club in advance and in writing. Failure to receive such approval will result in the grant becoming void and all grant funds must be returned to the QCBC.


I.  The QCBC Grant Review committee will use the following evaluation criteria to rank the relative strength of each grant applications received:

    1.  This project addresses a high priority opportunity for our community.

    2.  This project will have a long-term effect on the cyclists in our community.

    3.  Project plans are concise, do-able, and realistic.

    4.  This project directly promotes the QCBC Mission.

    5.  The requesting organization is equipped to undertake the project they have described.


J.  The QCBC grant application on our website is available in writable PDF form and in Microsoft Word. You may use which ever format is best for you. We prefer those applications together with all requested attachments submitted electronically to  . If this is not possible you may mail the completed application to


                                               Attention:  Grant Coordinator

                                               P. O. Box 3575

                                               Davenport, IA 52808


Regardless of the transmission method, all submissions should be neat, readable, assembled, and complete with all attachments when they are submitted.  Please see the Grant Application Checklist at the end of the application to insure you have all requested attachments included. Partial or incomplete submissions will not be reviewed.




Tina Anderson                                                  Monica Holiday                                           

President                                                          Grant Coordinator                                                         

(c) 563-580-0190                                            (c) 309-236-8435

Part 1 QCBC Grant Application

Part 2 QCBC Grant Application Interactive