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Monthly Newsletter

The Quad Cities Bicycle Club publishes a monthly newsletter called Pedalwheeling. Members are encouraged to submit write-ups on club rides and races in which they have participated. We also welcome reports on invitational rides that club members have attended.

Members receive a pdf copy monthly via email.   The current and previous newsletters can be viewed and downloaded from the website Library. 

The deadline for submitting articles is the 15th of the month. Please keep your articles to one page (500 words) or less. A digital camera offers a great way for you to submit photos. Please include your name (so that you get credit for the write-up or photo) and your telephone number (in case the editor needs to contact you).

Please submit your articles to our newsletter editor by e-mail at  Submit Newsletter Article .

Past copies of the QCBC Pedwheeling Newsletter. If you have any that we are missing, please consider sending us a copy.